LalBrew Munich Classic Yeast 11g



Munich Classic is a Bavarian wheat beer strain selected from the Doemens Culture Collection. It imparts the spicy and fruity aroma profile typical of German wheat beer styles. This strain is simple to use over a wide range of recipe variations and fermentation conditions, making it a great choice for a number of traditional styles of wheat beer. Usage: The pitch rate will affect the fermentation performance and flavor of the beer. For Munich Classic yeast, a pitch rate of 50 – 100g per hL of wort is sufficient to achieve optimal results for most fermentations. Storage: Do not use 500g or 11g packs that have lost vacuum. Opened packs must be re-sealed, stored in dry conditions below 4°C (39°F), and used within 3 days. If the opened package is re-sealed under vacuum immediately after opening, yeast can be stored below 4C° (39°F) until the indicated expiry date. Do not use yeast after expiry date printed on the pack.



The pitch rate will affect the fermentation performance and flavor of the beer. For LalBrew® Wit yeast, a pitch rate of 50 – 100g per hL of wort is sufficient to achieve optimal results for most fermen-tations. More stressful fermentations such as high gravity, high adjunct or high acidity may require higher pitch rates and additional nutrients to ensure a healthy fermentation.


Wit yeast should be stored in a vacuum sealed package in dry conditions below 4C° (39°F). LalBrew® Wit will rapidly lose activity after exposure to air.
Do not use 500g or 11g packs that have lost vacuum. Opened packs must be re-sealed, stored in dry conditions below 4°C (39°F), and used within 3 days. If the opened package is re-sealed under vacuum immediately after opening, yeast can be stored below 4C° (39°F) until the indicated expiry date. Do not use yeast after expiry date printed on the pack.

2 in stock

Weight .02 kg
Dimensions 12 × 7 × 1 cm